March 31, 2005

Coming Back To America

Well, we're back in the States. For obvious reasons, it marks the end of one journey and the beginning of another. It also marks the end of the one-life as you once knew it. This used to be a site for all of our partners, family, and friends to catch up on what was happening in our lives while we served in Australia. We posted prayer requests and often talked about what we were up to in a certain week. And we had a great run - I'm so glad a guy called Steve decided to start his own blog which gave me the idea to start this one. We are thankful for all of you who read and watched us from afar - praying and encouraging us along the way. THANKS for everything you have done.

This blog will now look a little differently. Instead of it centering around both of our lives, it will just contain thoughts and notes from Josh. I will still update on what Kari is up to from time to time, but her life won't be on display like it was before. SO - this marks the beginning of a new kind of one-life. It probably won't be as interesting, but none the less, it is changing! I'm not quite sure where it will take me, so I'll just keep walking to find out and hopefully some of you will join me. :)

A quick update on what we're doing and where we're at in the world:

We looked at apartments in Chicago on Monday and Tuesday, but felt odd as we did. We felt aprehensive about the whole move - we felt like we may be rushing into the next thing without giving ourselves adequate time to rest, spend time with people, and recover a bit from our time overseas. We could have signed on a place for a great deal, but we both felt "off" about it. I even got a job at Wrigley Field working in concessions, but still felt off about it. So we drove four hours to Marion (which we were planning on) and talked the whole way down here. We decided (and later confirmed after talking to the Johnson's and Papa Jackson) that we just needed to take it easy for now instead of diving so quickly into the next thing. So it looks like we will make Marion, IN our hub for the next six weeks or so. We're living with the Johnson's and spending time with people here as well as traveling around quite a bit to see our families. THEN we'll see what we'll do next. We don't feel rushed which is so nice. We're just taking it easy for the time being. We have a cell phone now if anyone is trying to reach us: 616.402.6139

I'm thinking I'll post a couple times a least fairly regularly. We'll see what happens. Have a great day...and a big "HEY!!!" to our friends in Sydney!!!! Josh


Dibs said...

Hey JJ
Welcome back! We may see you around Marion, since Brian and Jody live there (Sweetser) with two of our grandkids. Brian teaches Soc at IWU. I think you've made a good decision to wait before you dive into the next thing. I'll be interested in hearing what's developing....

pk said...

Josh-- You're killin' me man. You're telling me that I'm writing you from Sydney, and you're in Marion, IN??? This is too crazy. Just had a great stroll from near Kings Cross to the Rocks via the Botanical Gardens...and back. Can't wait to see you!

Josh said...

Dibs - Look me up when you're in town!! Would love to chat or something!!


Dibs said...

I'll buy you a cup of whatever you're drinking, at Darren's bookstore soon. I'd love to chat...I'm not sure about "or something". Is that an Aussie thing? :)

Josh said...

Dibs - How about Beatniks downtown? I'll be in and out till the middle of May. After April 11...I should be here most of the time! "or something" - maybe a nervous twitch...or something. Cell:616.402.6139

Papa Jackson said...

Great update! Thanks for giving me a place to speak into your life.

Papa Jackson

Linda said...

Welcome back to America!! We can use more great people like you two! If you end up in Chicago, I'll put in a plug for helping at World Relief. Reach out to the persecuted refugees arriving in the USA. They know nothing about living in our culture, and Christ's love speaks volumes to them. Jobs, or volunteers are available and desperately needed. I see their needs daily (just a plug, and World Relief has a big office in Chicago).

Anonymous said...

Hey! Glad you two are back. I know it's far from the truth, but Marion,Indiana seems just as far from New Jersey as Sydney did...

Can't wait to see you.


David Drury said...

Killer. Good to hear more news from no longa down unda.

I like the wisdom in following that "off" feeling. A few times in my life I should have listened to that. A few times I did and it turned out for the better.

Hoping to see you face to face soon next time you're up to see your side of the fam.

David Drury

Dibs said...

Beatniks it is, I'll give you a call. I've got an idea for the twitch.

Dave Owen said...

just letting you know I'm reading your blog as promised. Thanks for burning me the messages also - having trouble playing them but will work it out.

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