December 27, 2014

Vivian Lucia

It is 64 degrees on Christmas Eve and the sun is on its way down, hoping to clear the horizon before the dinner rush. 

My five ear old has an ear infection, my two year old has a fever and I'm doped up on just enough NyQuil to simultaneously make myself feel better and allow me to take care of the older kids while Kari and the baby hole up in our bedroom. 

The older kids. That little s on the end of kid is just about the best thing I have ever written. Such a telling implication. More than two. 

I feel surprised by VIvian, by her sudden arrival into our family. We spent the better part of a pregnancy doing our best to avoid the subject, ignoring the ball of matter growing on auto pilot. It felt easier that way, like we could just pretend everything was as usual. So we put our heads down and worked and talked about our days and went to bed distracting ourselves from the present and the fear and the possibility of a living baby at the end of the tunnel. And now she is here and SHE IS HERE and I'm cramming nine months of mental and emotional preparation into a few weeks. 

Vivian Lucia. Life and Light.


Tash said...

Oh, she is here. Amazing. I remember thanking my doctor at every visit, at the end of every phone call and every chance I had, and she would always say, "thank me when he's here". I'm so thankful that Vivian Lucia is here. I wish all your kids were with you and Kari.

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said...

Ah, congratulations! She is truly beautiful. Three daughters. Who would've thought, right? I remember the quarantine quite well. Hectic, but alive.

Mama Bear said...

Another beautiful girl! Lucia like Angie's little girl, makes me smile. Congratulations!

My New Normal said...


Melissa said...

Life and Light. How she has brought both with her. A perfect name for a stunning 3rd daughter.

Megan said...

Well, its about time you blogged about that little beauty. ;). Flu-ridden Christmas around here, too. Binge-watching Little House on the Prairie and trying not to lose my mind. Congrats on your beautiful family, old friend. To Happiness and Health in 2015!

Anonymous said...


Amy L. said...

She's beautiful. Congratulations!

Elizabeth said...

saw this post on another blog and came on over. We have a Vivian Lucia too! Congratulations! said...

She IS here! So thankful! Vivian Lucia, we have loved you from the beginning! Hope Dad and the older kids are feeling better and better!

Aurelia said...

Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl!

jstokes said...

welcome to this beautiful crazy life baby girl. we love you!

Karen M said...

She is so beautiful, as all of your children are. Congratulations!

loribeth said...

Absolutely gorgeous!! Congratulations! :)

Kate said...

She is beautiful, Josh. Congratulations to you and Kari.
Love all the way from Australia. xxxx

Catherine W said...

She's so lovely - many congratulations to you and to Kari.

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