Three days in Rapid City was all it took.
Despite the awkwardness of being the lone 20-something on the plane from Denver to Rapid City, I arrived to clear sky's and see-my-breath cold weather. My reason for spending $10 on a frequent flier ticket was to visit Paul Kind.
I've spent time in Flagstaff, Bozeman, Great Falls and Spokane and none compared to the mountain town feel of Rapid City. We spent most of our time downtown and in the Black Hills. Downtown has it all. Great local restaurants, movie theatre, bars with cheap drinking and pool tables, pedestrian-friendly sidewalks, local shopping, post office and even some mixed zoning (Paul lives downtown). The Black Hills have just as much to offer as the downtown. High altitude lakes, beautiful colors and ample hiking trails make the Hills around Rapid City highly underrated.
What I expected was a touristy Mount Rushmore town (ala Gatlinburg). What I got was a true mountain town experience.

It was amazing having you out here bro!!! Right now it's the Schmerse's turn ;-)
Sweet pix (any thoughts on where that last one came from? The Tetons?).
stop stop STOP! oh god, I'm dying here... why do you guys torture me so... I'm going to go cry... for real
Uuhhh, last I checked the Tetons (were) in Wyoming? Has something happened in S.D. I'm not aware of?
Yes, in my rush to get a few extra pictures, I got the Teton picture (even though I typed in Black Hills). My bad. :)
Did I mention my 3 days with Paul and Brooke was UNREAL??
Mark and I just got back from SD last night...we had a blast!! I "ditto" everything you said. We loved it too, and hanging with Paul and Brooke was so much fun! Who knew South Dakota was so much fun?
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