September 1, 2007

Day 213 :: The BEST OF List

Day 213 - Oaxaca, MEXICO

As we bear down on the world´s third largest city and our final destination, we have been making a ´best of´ from the last seven months. Enjoy...

1. Turkey
2. Thailand
3. Nepal
4. China
5. Mexico

1. Mexico City, Mexico
2. Istanbul, Turkey
3. Antalya, Turkey
4. Pokhara, Nepal
5. Hanoi, Vietnam

1. Delhi, India
2. Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
3. San Salvador, El Salvador

1. Sihanoukville, Cambodia
2. Puerto Escondido, Mexico
3. Bocas Del Toro, Panama
4. Krabi, Thailand

1. Bamboo Rafting - Thailand
2. Motorbike Riding around the Mekong Delta - Vietnam
3. Lagoon Hike - Thailand
4. Thai New Year Water Fight - Thailand
5. Cappadocia Hike - Turkey

1. Angkor Wat, Cambodia
2. Himalayas, Nepal
3. Great Wall, China
4. Cappadocia, Turkey

1. Sunrise @ Poon Hill - Nepal
2. Kari´s Nearly Broken Back - Mexico
3. India - India

1. Spicy Chicken w/ Peanuts - $2 - Beijing
2. Grilled Meat w/ Sticky Rice - $2 - Anywhere, Thailand
3. Vegetarian Sizzle - $3 - OR2K Restaurant, Kathmandu
4. Tavuk SiS - $3 - Anywhere, Turkey

1. Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand
2. Middlesex - Jeffrey Eugenides
3. The History of Love - Nicole Krauss
4. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close - Jonathon Foyer
5. All Families Are Psychotic - Douglas Coupland

*After dropping large amounts of cash on canyoning, white water rafting, zip-lining, etc, only the nearly free made the list of best adventures.


pk said...

Great list! You're amazing at encapsulating such a huge deal into a few concise words. It's been an incredible journey! You have brought them alive for me.

Jess said...

I'll put the books on my "to read" list :). Patty mentioned Kari's fall. Hope she's feeling better!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys have had an amazing journey. I read "Middlesex" a few years back and LOVED it...enjoy the remainder of your trip! Megan Hanneken (Fredericks)

Beth said...

History of Love is great isn't it. If you liked that, you might like "The Memory of Running" by Ron McLarty. Also, went to Mexico City this summer and through Cuernavaca...didn't make it to Oaxaca, but heard it's B-eautiful. My step-dad tells me it's the greatest city in Mexico.

Soz said...

Mate.... Legend... Can't help but think some of our in Asia have made the list. I can't help but think we must catch up some day soon! Soz

kovacevic slavica said...

Dobre vijesti za mene i vas, zovem se TEREZA i moram vam ispričati kako sam doživjela ponudu kredita od 35,000 eura. Ponovno sam sretan i financijski stabilan i hvala Bogu što sam naišao na gospodina Harry Bryan, izvršnog direktora SMART LOAN FUNDS, imaju sjedište u Americi, a također djeluju u svim europskim zemljama. Dobio sam savjet kolege i savjetovat ću svima koji trebaju zajam da koriste njihove usluge kako bi izašli iz financijskih poteškoća, možete ih kontaktirati putem e-pošte (} WHATSAPP: {+385915134516} Brzo kontaktirajte danas i dobijte svoj zajam od njih na stopu od 3 %. Obećajte da ćete reći ljudima i podijeliti njegov dobar rad nakon što dobijete zajam.

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