"As I mentioned in the introduction, one of the reasons that I embarked on this experiment was to take legalism to its logical extreme and show that it leads to religious idiocy...If you actually follow all the rules, you'll spend your days acting like a crazy person. I still believe that. And I still plan on making a complete fool of myself to get this point across. But as with everything involving religion, my project has become much more complicated. The spiritual journey now takes up far more of my time.
My friend Roger was right. It's not like studying Sumo wrestling in Japan. It's more like wrestling itself. This opponent of mine is sometimes beautiful, sometimes cruel, sometimes ancient, sometimes crazily relevant. I can't get a handle on it."
If words aren't a compelling enough reason to pick up this book, maybe a before and after shot of the author will be:

Hey Josh, "A Year of Living Biblically" was part of my October reading. Sometimes "laugh out loud" funny, and sometimes even provoking deep thought. It was a good break between "Everything Must Change" by Brian McLaren and "Nobodies" by John Bowe. Enjoyed reading your review!
Gary - Thanks for the new book tip. I'll add it to my library list. I think I'll be able to read it in January. :)
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