August 29, 2012

From Stella, With Love


Anonymous said...

I have no words to adequately respond to this, but felt I should say something. Wow. What a remarkable girl you have. I hate that this tragedy is part of her story too, but glad Margot has such a loving family. wow.

Anonymous said...

Heartbreakingly sweet; but so devastatingly sad. Gosh, the innocence...

Hope's Mama said...

Oh Josh, oh Kari. How on earth did you hold it all together when she said this? Or did you? I don't think I'd have been able to. I wish Leo had that superpower, I so wish he did. I mean he's such a special kid, surely it wouldn't be beyond him? Sigh....

Mary Fran Muir said...

Gives me goose bumps. Margot will never, ever, EVER, be forgotten

Brooke said...

Oh this breaks my heart. I want to whisper something similar to my own girl. I'm glad Margot has such a beautiful sister to keep her memory alive.

Veronica said...

Oh Stella. Your still my heart.
You guys make great kids.

Wendi said...

What an absolutely perfect heart your Stella has.

Catherine W said...

I wish that they could be returned to us. A space rocket sounds just fine to me.
Oh Stella. I'm sorry that Leo can't bring her back to you.

Tash said...

Oh Stella, what a beautiful heart she has. I wish she and Margot and Leo could play together. I wish you and Kari had all your children.

Jeanette said...

How do our little ones do this? Beautiful words Stella. x

Mary Beth said...

So amazingly beautiful. If only, baby girl.

Laura Beck said...

I love the way that she thinks (and feels). xo

loribeth said...

Oh, Stella. The innocence & the wisdom.

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