July 17, 2008

What's Your Walk Score?

I haven't fully checked this out, but from the few minutes I have, it's totally worth your time. The website is called walkscore.com and it offers your neighborhood "walk score" based on several walkable factors (post offices, restaurants, banks, etc). It even breaks down fourty major cities, neighborhood by neighborhood, and allows you to compare the walkability of each one. The surburban turned urban families have already begun migrating towards diversity, tight spaces and mixed zoning here in LA, creating a vacuum in suburbia. Could walkscore be another sign of things to come? Could the suburbs become the next slum? Or will more walkable neighborhoods become more prevelent in urban planning? Or both? Interesting...


::athada:: said...

You beat me! I had WalkScore in the dozen or so saved blogs that are still in the womb.

From where I'm perched in Marion, 57/100, about as good as it gets in Grant County. 40/100 if you're on IWU.

What's your score?

Beck said...

SO interesting... I haven't yet checked out the link you posted, but have considered the questions you posted as Derek and I consider our next move. Still torn between the country, where I can have a food garden and the option to homestead, or a place closer to somewhere more "walkable" that is still based more heavily on buying... hmmm.

::athada:: said...

There is always the live-in-the-city-subscribe-to-a-CSA... if there's one around.

Josh Jackson said...

I was surprised you hadn't beat me to the punch. :)

The photo with this post is my walk score. 98/100. :)

Samuel Bills said...

From my side of the freeway - I score a 75 - It would be interesting to use the walk-score data to do some sociological analysis about who lives in these diversified and walkable areas - some research has been done lately along these lines on parks in LA - http://www.greeninfo.org/images/active_images/success/success_b/clipi_laparkaccessWeb.jpg - or it might be interesting to see the comparison on your stuff-white-people-like score as compared with your walk-score :)

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