February 21, 2012


Our darling Stella Rose is three today.

On February 21, 2009, near 6pm in the evening, after thirty-six hours of labor, my Kari pushed her out.

We have been dizzy with love ever since.


Every week or two since Stella was born, the two of us sit in front of the Mac, turn on photo booth and take pictures together. [unfortunately, photos from the last eleven months have been more scarce than normal] The data collector in me wanted a way to tangibly see her progress, one week, month and year at a time. This is a small part of a massive collection we have taken together since she was born.

*after clicking play below, you'll have to click the "watch on youtube" link.
*music credit goes to Nick Drake.


Molly said...

Y'all sure did bring out my tears today with that! Wow. That was beautiful. So glad you did that... Makes me very sad I didnt do something similar. Happy birthday Stella!

Gwen Jackson said...

Ah, our sweet Stella. Growing up. Can't believe she is three! Happy Birthday dear Stella!

Brooke said...

What a gorgeous girl. Happy Birthday to Stella.

Jeanette said...

That is so beautiful, what a wonderful record. Happy Birthday Stella. x

brianna said...

Happy Birthday to Stella. She's such an adorable person. We love her. The video is so touching. We watched it three times because Clio couldn't stop giggling at it. Maybe she recognizes her friends?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your little girl. Love the ones with Momma's belly and your other sweet child :)

Dennis Jackson said...

STELLA! Three - how did that happen! You are such a big and beautiful girl. Papa loves you and can't wait to see you in May - now that you are an even bigger girl.

Love you . . . a bushel and a peck!


Jamie said...

Oh my. Sweet Stella Bella. Give her a big squeeze hug and remind her that we love her so very much. I can hardly believe that she is three...so big.

still life angie said...

I just wept through this whole thing. This is so beautiful. (I originally had an expletive between the so and beautiful, because it was that much more beautiful than I could write.) I love three, so very much. And your Stella is gorgeous. Love to you and Kari.

Anonymous said...

So beautiful. What a fabulous idea.

Tash said...

Beautiful video and memories of your little Stella growing up. Happy birthday to her!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Well done. Beautiful family. Thank you for letting us enjoy her as well, she has grown so much!

Renel said...

Happy birthday to your little girl. The video was great!

Hope's Mama said...

Nick Drake, very cool.
Just loved this, all of it. What a beautiful spark Stella must be in your lives.
You guys are awesome.

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