May 26, 2012

Beard No More

Much to Stella's disappointment and Kari's delight, the Beard Of Hope came off recently. And what beard party wouldn't be complete without some before and after photos, taken by my awesome camera talented friends, Brianna and Leif?

From terrorist to tenth grade yearbook...

I wanted a few with Stella to commemorate the occasion, 1908 portrait style.

Stella carefully and methodically helped remove the beard, one "yucky" layer at a time.


Jeanette said...

LOVE these photos!

Groves said...

Stella, I love you. What a girl!

And I'll get used to the no-beard. Kari's happiness trumps all!!

xo Cathy in Missouri

Groves said...

P.S. Stark realization that there is nothing I could - ever - do to recreate tenth grade yearbook.

Next life.

Molly said...

Haha too cute!!

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic milestone!!

Hope's Mama said...

Hah to what Cathy said in her second comment! Me too!
And I liked the beard, but I understand why it had to go. I gave up wanting Simon to get rid of his a long time ago. Kinda used to it now, so it stays!
Stella is so gorgeous.

Amy L. said...

So cute! Yeah, you totally did have sort of a terrorist thing going on. You look nice without. :) (I remember my dad, who had a thick beard and mustache all through my childhood, coming home from work one day when I was in 6th grade, having shaved the entire beard portion off. I could hardly look at him for days. Who the Hell was this imposter?!)

loribeth said...

LOL... you're not Canadian, are you? You know that a lot of hockey players grow beards during the playoffs & then shave them off afterwards?

Much as I've grown used to seeing you with a beard, I do like the clean-shaven look. ; )

Jamie said...

:) Love Stella's expressions. Love that hope did not disappoint.

Merry said...

I have to say, I'm with Kari. It is time. (said in best monkey from the lion king voice).

Mary Beth said...

Stella's face is just priceless! Love it. Adieu, beard.

Anonymous said...

those pictures will be priceless to stella one day :)

i think i mentioned my husband did the same thing- and he really looked like a hardcore biker dude by the end- the nurses on the long-term floor i was staying on were a little scared when he came to visit during the pregnancy.

i was so happy that he shaved it off! iike you, he lost at least a decade or two and looked like a former version of himself. kari must feel like she's got a new boyfriend, lol!

Josh Jackson said...

Yes, Kari's happiness definitely trumps all, no matter how many times a day Stella asks if I can grow my beard back so my "kisses don't hurt."

Josh Jackson said...

Love that story. I remember feeling the same way about my Dad and his moustache. Can't imagine a beard!

Josh Jackson said...

Not Canadian, as much as I'd like to be while gallivanting around the globe. :)

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