May 15, 2012


Introducing Leo James Jackson, the young brother of Stella and Margot. The son of a Mother who willed him here, of a Father who still can't believe his good fortune.

His first name comes from nowhere and, like his sisters before him, he has it all to himself. His middle name, James, comes from my Grandfather, his Great-Grandfather, a great man, as generous and loyal and tender as men come, who taught me, among more noble pursuits, how to skin a squirrel and ride a scooter and the intricacies of router bits.

Leo is also my Father's grandson. He is my only son just as I am my father's only son. And his being, his essence, the man I hope he lives to become, is wrapped up as much in his kind, loving and selfless grandfather as he is in myself.

You got a lot of support, kiddo.

Leo! Leo and Stella!


Alyssum said...

I am so glad to hear that Leo is home and doing well :) Congratulations to your family! I just LOVE the second to last picture of Stella holding Leo's hand!

Dennis Jackson said...

Josh - My Pop and I are glad to be passing on the generosity and tenderness to a new Jackson. I'm grateful for all of the men in the line and especially grateful for the new man. I'm a glad dad, son, and especially papa today.

Renel said...

Isn't he fabulous! Looks like Stella is infatuated! I bet you are beyond thrilled... Hope Kari is healing well and things are going swimingly.

Gwen Jackson said...

What a good looking boy! :) I remember Grandpa J saying that about you the first time we took you up to Cadillac.

Stella looks SO grown up!! Love the photos, especially that one of Stella laying next to Leo holding his hand. So sweet.

One week can't come soon enough!

Anonymous said...

AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL!!!! Congratulations!!!

surfjams said...

He is the most adorable, beautiful little boy! And the dreamy look in Stella's eyes is priceless, moving, so tender! The sense of pride and joy that transpires from your words is touching and contagious. Congratulations to both of you! This makes my heart swell with happiness. Thank you for sharing so beautifully!

Molly said...

Wow!! Precious!! Isn't it heart warming (and heart breaking) to see them with a sibling? Thank you for sharing. Love to you all

Hope's Mama said...

Oh god, I think my heart just turned to mush. He is too cute. I am so deliriously happy for you guys. Of course I can't help but link the name to my own children, as Hope would have always been a Leo, and more than likely Leo James, to be exact. Except she was a Hope, of course. So then when Angus came along, we decided to use the name Leo as his middle name. And James is a big name in our family as well, as it is Simon's middle name. Think I said all this in my last comment, so I'm just being boring and repetitive now, but just wanted to reiterate how much I love his name and how special I think it is. If we roll the dice again and have a boy (not likely!!) the middle name will be James for sure.
Ok, off to look at those pictures again. Can't get enough of the pure delight on Stella's face. Keep enjoying that gorgeous boy and a special hug to Kari as well. Hope she's healing up well.

Colette said...

wow - congratulations. If you can, it may just be time to exhale. All the very best.

Sofia said...
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Sofia said...

I have just found your Blog!

I spoke to my elderly father last night in the UK from Australia, and he asked about you. I had sent him your recent Glow in the Woods post, because it was so raw and real and explained far better than I could the treacherous journey we are on, sitting here at 30 weeks after losing our first born son at at birth at 40.3 weeks.

I met my friend today, and we talked about your writing and I explained that I felt that my Dad really got it because of your beautiful work, and she told me that Leo had arrived safely. It made my day! She also told me about your blog, and I am staring in awe at your beautiful baby boy. Scrumptious!

I am so relieved and happy for you, and Kari and Stella, and sad for sweet little Margot, that she doesn't get to be with you all.

Sending you peace, and beautiful moments with your precious family. xxx

Anonymous said...

My gosh but you have beautiful children! That B&W pic of Stella and Leo is breathtaking.

Mary Beth said...

My heart has melted! So beautiful, so perfect.
lots of love.

Gil said...

Oh Dear. That second-to-last shot made me cry here at work! The two of them, staring into each others' eyes; I see many adventures ahead of them both, adventures togther, reflected right there in that very moment. I am sure you do too. Congratulations on the safe arrival of Leo in your home and in your arms. Blessings to all of you.

Tiffany said...

he is gorgeous. you have such amazing children - all 3 of them!

Jeanette said...

Gorgeous, just gorgeous!

Melissa said...

He is so beautiful!!! And Kari, Stella looks JUST like you!!! I love you guys & hope everything is going good. (((hugs)))

---- Melissa (Biermann) Yeager <3 <3 <3

Christine said...

Leo & Stella are just beautiful. Congratulations! :)

Brooke said...

I think Stella is about the same age I was when my baby brother was born. Wait and see--nobody will be able to make him laugh like she can. Such sweet kids.

Remembering and missing Margot with you, too.

Anonymous said...

wow! he is just such a beautiful little boy! totally the brother of margot and stella- they all resemble eachother. thank you so much for all of the pictures you shared.

i love his name!

looking at those pictures of stella, it occurred to me that, maybe like the experiences of parents, when they lose a baby, it makes the experience of finally getting to hold and see the subsequent baby all that much more appreciated and holy...
that's what i see in stella's expression, in the way she is regarding her little brother leo. like 'oh, my, i've been waiting to feel this way, and oh my! look at you! i love you little baby!'.

Fireflyforever said...

Oh, the pictures of the two of them together have made me cry - they are so little to know loss but so open to love and life when it comes to them.

Richard said...

Chills...So beautiful guys, I couldn't be happier for you!

Groves said...

Well, it's absolutely impossible to pick a favorite,

but Stella Sideways in Pink ~~ Stella!! You are something, do you know that?? (Even a picture doesn't hold you in, not one bit!)

And as for all the rest, and that Handsome Little Leo, well, blast. I just don't have the words. Happy, happy, happy, happy, happy.

And missing the Margot in the middle, so much.

These are the best,

Cathy in Missouri

Tash said...

I agree with Cathy in Missouri, I can't pick a favorite. Such beautiful moments captured here. I love the way Stella is looking at her baby brother, the way she's drinking him in. Her love for him must be an amazing thing for you and Kari to witness.

Leo James (I love his name!) is beautiful.

Remembering his other big sister Margot always. xx

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing these captured moments! Love them all! So glad you are all home enjoying time together!
Much love from PA.
- mindy

Bree said...

Love those kiddos of yours.

Abby said...

Wow! These photos are so incredibly precious. Even though we cannot see Margot, she is there. She was such a part of this. She will live on forever. Thank you so much for sharing. Darus' middle name is James, as well. After his grandfather (my dad) & great-grandfather (Jonas' grandpa). Such a nice strong name. Leo is beautiful. I am so thrilled for you and your family! I cannot wait to meet the lil boy! Xoxo

katie illingworth said...

Wow, beautiful. I wish they were all three in those pictures.

Crystal Theresa said...


Anonymous said...

I have just cried looking at your beautiful photographs, Stella with her baby.

I have been reading your blog for a long time, I stumbled across it when scouring the internet trying to find answers as to why my third child (my first girl) was stillborn at full term in October 2010 (we never did find a reason). You describe so much of exactly how I feel, but far more eloquently than I ever could.

My fourth was born last November, and the wait to meet him and get him home safely was unbearable. My husband grew a beard too, almost like some form of defense or security, I don't know.

Now we have our three sons and they are perfect, but my heart swells for my little lost one.

Your children are stunning, I am touched by your boundless love for them, your bravery. What a beautiful family, all 5 of you. Very well done. (My second son's middle name is James too. Leo - lovely name). Much love x

Anonymous said...

These photos melt my heart. Stella is in awe of her baby bro. I love it :) So thankful that your little man is now safely in your arms and that newborn smell is filling your household. Take care.

Amy L. said...

He is beautiful and perfect. Congratulations!

Rachel said...

Great photos, thank you for sharing. Wishing you had Margot there with all of you as well.

Wendi said...

He is fantastic! So happy for all of you!!!!

Jess said...

He is beautiful!! So thankful he is home and healthy! Congrats Jackson fam!

Natalie said...

That little soul bring with him so much hope and healing. Love to you all from South Dakota.

Brooke Hendrickx said...

What a beautiful family! So happy that he is home and healthy! Congratulations to all of you!

Crystal said...

Such beautiful pictures!!

Rachel said...

Love your introduction for such a handsome little fellow. Perfect pictures -such a very beautiful and happy big sister.

Big Apple Mami said...

What a sweet sweet face! So happy he is well and home with you guys!

loribeth said...

Oh my, he is absolutely gorgeous. Love those pictures of him with Stella too. Congratulations again!!

Anonymous said...

He''s gorgeous Josh. Congratulations.. and to him on graduating from the NICU. My boys have a long way to go.. but here's to hope. xo

admin said...

Leo is handsome! Congrats! Blessings and health!

-Carmin (Blinn) Bortner
Manhattan , NY.

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